Blend two colors together; apply top on top of the bottom color. If top has maximum alpha, returns top. If alpha is zero, returns bottom.
Create a color from hex code.
Check if the given mouse button is a scroll wheel step.
Set the alpha channel for the given color, as a float.
Get a hex code from color.
FluidBackend is an interface making it possible to bind Fluid to a library other than Raylib. Another built-in backend is fluid.simpledisplay.SimpledisplayBackend for arsd.simpledisplay.
Generate an image filled with a given color.
Image available to the CPU.
Represents a GPU texture.
Struct that maintains a registry of all allocated textures. It's used to finalize textures once they have been marked for destruction. This makes it possible to mark them from any thread, while the reaper runs only on the main thread, ensuring thread safety in OpenGL backends.
Tombstones are used to ensure textures are freed on the same thread they have been created on.
This module handles input/output facilities Fluid requires to operate. It connects backends like Raylib, exposing them under a common interface so they can be changed at will.
Fluid comes with a built-in interface for Raylib.